WUWM Conference

27 - 29 May 2015
Budapest, Hungary

Executive summary:

During the WUWM Conference in Budapest experts discussed the new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between WUWM and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This agreement fosters joint initiatives for the promotion of market development and the improved management of markets in the areas of food loss and waste. This MoU acknowledges that WUWM is the leading representative body for the sector and underlines the valuable partnership with the FAO. It offers great opportunities for the industry and has ambitious goals of reducing food loss and waste. Furthermore, experts discussed issues such as modern management solutions, and retail market campaigns and marketing.


Key outcomes:

  1. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be pursued between WUWM and the FAO. It provides a framework for co-operation between FAO and WUWM in execution of joint initiatives, activities and programs for
    1. the promotion of market development and the improved management of markets in the area of food losses and waste
    2. Subject to the availability of staff and financial resources. The MoU implies no financial commitment by either Party with the FAO brings the following benefits:
      1. Acknowledges WUWM’s standing as a leading representative body for the sector;
      2. recognizes WUWM as a valuable and reliable partner of FAO in the years to come as a knowledgeable source of specific information, data and technical advise, useful for FAO’s role in providing guidance to its member governments;
      3. recognizes the role, contribution and importance of food wholesale and retail markets:
        1. in dynamizing local food systems meeting urban food needs as well as exports,
        2. In linking small farmers to markets,
        3. as a source of youth-led entrepreneurship and employment,
        4. for the adoption of food health/environmentally-sound practices;
      4. offers opportunities for WUWM, its members and the sector generally.
  2. The Questionnaire FAO-WUWM discussed at the previous conference is to be analyzed by WUWM and presented at the forthcoming conference “First Mediterranean Conference on Food Supply and Distribution Systems in Urban Environments – Rome, July 6-7 2015.
  3. Some future trends in the Chinese retail and wholesale markets are noted:
    1. Food safety better ensured
    2. More interactive, more cultural experience
    3. More internet applications
  4. A retail wing hosting multiple markets can boost popularity and reduce prices compared to independent markets spread over an area as shown by the example of the Central Markets and Fisheries Organization (CMFO), Greece.


Main issues discussed:

  • Economic impact of markets
    • David Bourganel, Marche International de Rungis Semmaris, France
  • Innovation and reducing food waste
    • Jian Zhang, Green Diet Valley, China
    • Sol Maria Vazquez, Mercado, Spain
  • Market collaboration and renovation
    • Ioannis Triantafyllis, Central Markets and Fishery Organization (CMFO), Greece
    • Rose Harrell, MFCA Director of Facilities, USA
    • Gladys Wong, Uni-China Market Management, Hong Kong
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