In action

Joining forces to upgrade the fresh food supply chain and enable everyone to eat better.

We cooperate with our partners in international organizations, governments, businesses, and the public by exchanging ideas and sharing best practices to upgrade the fresh food supply chain. We educate, raise awareness, and contribute to a healthier, more resilient, and sustainable food system.


WUWM CONFERENCE 2024 / Bangkok, Thailand

The WUWM holds two conferences each year to provide vital updates on food systems and fresh product trends that impact distribution and the wholesale and retail markets.

A unique platform to exchange the latest food & fresh product trends, and create new opportunities for the sector.

Everyone in all sectors of the fresh food distribution is welcome to join us and engage in valuable networking opportunities and the exchange of key ideas and expertise.

Upcoming conferences : 

  • 5th to 7th November 2025 : WUWM BRUSSELS CONFERENCE
  • 2nd semester 2026 : China


We believe that citizens around the world should have access to safe, healthy, high quality affordable food. We also believe that modern wholesale and retail markets are essential to meet this challenge. That is why it is crucial for us to make our voice count and have a real impact on issues concerning fresh food systems and infrastructures.
We believe in a sustainable, resilient and inclusive food system that will meet the challenges of the 21st century. Quality and fresh food easily available to all, fair prices for farmers and consumers, more local products, green supply chains, and guaranteed products!
Our public policy positions are designed to effectively help our members at the international, regional and local level. We pursue to modernize and support wholesale markets in meeting the highest standards and to improve the efficiency of the fresh food supply chain.


Fostering common guidelines to ensure modern, safe and hygienic wholesale markets.

Since 2001, WUWM has been working to advocate for global food hygiene guidelines and regulations. Our goal is to promote modern, clean, and reliable fresh food infrastructures. That’s why we value member collaboration to foster the quality hygienic management, and to support new legislation for safer and cleaner wholesale markets.

In 2009, we published the WUWM Guide to Good Hygienic Practice for Wholesale Market Management in the European Union. This document was adopted by the European Commission as the European Community Guide for the sector in 2009.

Download the document

Working together for a more sustainable and guaranteed European food system.

Our discussion paper, Wholesale Markets and Environmental Protection, analyzes cleaning and waste management in European wholesale markets. It reveals that wholesale markets are managing waste through mass-recycling and most have a waste reduction program. The remainder of waste goes to landfills or is incinerated. Markets are focused on energy savings through the optimal organization of traffic flow and improved isolation of buildings so that there is enough energy for incineration.

Download the document

Connecting local authorities with wholesale markets.

We are recognized worldwide for our expertise and educating local authorities on the importance of local wholesale markets.

Partnerships & Collaborations

We join forces to help everyone eat better and contribute to a healthier, more resilient, and sustainable international food system.

In order to achieve our goals, we must join forces. That’s why we unite and act together with international organizations, universities and coalitions on many important areas. This includes educating children to eat healthier, working with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to upgrade wholesale markets, working with other international organizations to reduce food loss and support local farmers.

Partnerships in action

WUWM and FAO join forces to upgrade wholesale markets for a more sustainable food system and agriculture industry 

WUWM has agreed to collaborate with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on developing operational guidelines to upgrade wholesale food markets. The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of well-functioning wholesale markets and the need to upgrade or modernize markets for a resilient and high-performing food system. WUWM will collaborate with the FAO in providing information, expertise, and the joint dissemination and communication of guidelines.

This collaboration is a result of the 2019 Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two organizations to develop joint actions to provide for healthier, more inclusive, and accessible food while reducing food waste. We truly believe in the many positive outcomes of our combined efforts.

WUWM and AIAM5: United for healthier diets!   

WUWM, as a member of the Global Alliance to Promote Fruit and Vegetable Consumption “5 a Day” (AIAM5), signed the 2020 Declaration during the AIAM5 9th General Meeting on November 26, 2020. Together with national and international entities from 22 countries, WUWM agreed to raise awareness on the nutritional and health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption.

Any promotional campaigns by the Alliance have the potential of reaching a lot of consumers since 2021 has been declared as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV) by the United Nations. All signatories agreed to advocate for healthy diets through sustainable production with special attention to smallholder farmers. Additionally, reducing the loss of waste in the fruit and vegetable supply chain is to be promoted. Together we will ensure well-being and healthy lives for all.

WUWM’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic   

Although WUWM members have not been able to meet in person, through WUWM’s online discussions, many participants in the food industry have been able to share crucial best practices in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as in the transition to a resilient and sustainable food system.

We have published and shared guidelines on how to deal with the pandemic among markets and helped vulnerable people. Our regional member the Latin American Federation of Food Markets (FLAMA) established a collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional Office for Latin American and the Caribbean to establish a joint strategy to advertise and monitor activities of regional wholesale markets during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In support of vulnerable communities due to the crisis, many WUWM members have established or intensified partnerships with charity organizations by donating food or other services. Together we will get through this in the best possible way.

The partnership that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has established with the World Union of Wholesale Markets, truly reflects the common global interest of both of our organizations in fighting food losses and waste and in promoting sustainable food distribution and consumption toward enhancing the efficiency of food systems.”
FAO - Maximo Torero, Chief economist and assistant director general for the Economic and Social Development Department
The cooperation between the Global Alliance to Promote Fruit and Vegetable Consumption " 5 a day " (AIAM5) and the World Union of Wholesale Markets, aims to create a powerful international network that facilitates collaboration between the members of both entities to establish synergies to improve food security and health of the world population by increasing the daily intake of fruits and vegetables, in the framework of a healthy and sustainable diet.”
IAM5 - Manuel Moñino. Coordinator of AIAM5

Retail Markets

Retail markets maintain social relationships and shopping destinations in city centers, providing easy access to healthy diets. Retail and wholesale markets are yet the unique way to deliver food from the farm to the plate.”
Jean Paul Auguste / Chairman of the Retail Group of the WUWM
Street markets ensure healthy diets globally.
Retail markets play a key role in guaranteeing healthy diets around the world. On a daily basis, millions of people around the world shop at street markets for their fresh products.
90% of products found in most street markets come from wholesale markets.
In 2001, we created a specific section to promote street markets. This important section promotes high standards and provides information and expertise for members, governments and private investors looking to develop retail markets around the world.

Love Your Local Market Campaign


A global initiative to celebrate local markets!

In 2012, the Love Your Local Market (LYLM), began as a one-day event to get consumers to shop fresh produce from their local markets. Today, it’s a global initiative that celebrates wholesale and retail markets, with over 4,000 participants in 19 countries and growing.

LYLM builds support for markets by enhancing their status within local communities. This reinforces relationships and business between wholesale and retail traders, ensuring long-term partnerships as well as ongoing competitiveness with supermarkets.

participating markets
countries and counting
Get involved :

WUWM LYLM International Coordinator
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